At the moment, to purchase $FUNDS, we suggest you follow our guide available here.
When you’re deciding which cryptocurrency to invest in, you should look for a coin with a solid road map and strong plans for development. This is the key if you’re looking for long-term success.
In October 2021, $FUNDSstaking pool was launched, and in November, $Funds will go live on the partner exchange, LA Token.
$FUNDS Features
Monthly payouts will be automated through the smart contract to facilitate all division 1 jackpots going back to $FUNDS token holders.
For each 100 million $FUNDS Tokens sold, another high-value lottery will be entered, increasing owners’ chance of sharing in $500mil in prizes weekly.
We are real-time & transparent: $FUNDS improves the current lottery model by enabling a traceable ledger facilitating complete transparency and real-time accurate verification of winnings.
“” is pioneering the entry of crypto tokens backed by a new asset class that is lifetime holdings of prize draw tickets. This is a game-changer for both crypto coins and prize draw operators, bringing an institutional angle to prize draw ticket buyers as opposed to the lower-income earning ticket buyers who currently make up most of the buyers. Institutional buyers will demand lower margins but will stabilize the operators’ business models.”
Learn more about $FUNDS and how to become an investor, by clicking here.
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