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How can I reset my password?

I have forgotten my password so cannot sign into my Player Account?

The steps to reset password are as follows

  1. Enter your email address in the sign-up section and then click the ‘Forgotten’ button in the password field. 

  2. You will automatically receive an email that gives you a link to reset your password.

It is important to change your password on a regular basis for security purposes. To do so please log in and select ‘My Account’ from the options provided in the drop-down menu. Select Edit on the ‘Account Details’ section and fill in the password fields

I have a Player Account but my e-mail address is not recognised?

If your email is not working please contact us and we will double-check the registered email address on your player account. It is possible that there is simply a typo or alternatively a different email may be registered.

How can I contact AZL Support?  

Our Customer Service representatives will be happy to answer any questions for you immediately. You can send us an e-mail and we will respond to your email within 24 hours. 

You also have the option to use the ‘Support & Feedback’ tab to the right of the home page to send an e-mail to us directly.


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