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How do I Add Funds to my wallet?

Add Funds

To add funds to your account click on the Add Funds tab on your My Profile page (accessed via clicking on your username at the top right-hand side of each page). Select or type in how much would you like to add and click the green Pay button at the bottom of the page to pay with Wallet88, our secure payment gateway partner (See more). Proceed through the payment process to be returned to your My Profile page. Your new balance will be updated at the top right of each page. 

What are my options for payment?

When you place an AZ Jackpots bet payment will be requested from your deposited balance first. If this balance does not cover the entire cost we will then seek payment from your winnings.

If there are any additional funds required to cover the cost of a new submission, the funds will be requested from your stored bank card details If you have no payment details registered on your Account, you will be required to add new payment details before continuing to play.